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how to craft items?


To craft items, place the items into the orange box next to your inventory using right click (you can take items out by left clicking). To take out the product of the crafting recipe, use shift left click. Some recipes require machines, and it says in the recipe book which machine is required, and if the recipe can be done in the inventory crafter.


Why can't I grow the shrooms?


The shrooms can be grown from their spores. The spores can be crafted from a mushroom in the inventory or in the mixer. the way, what about add an electrical furnace?

(1 edit)

Hi! Other people have also asked about electric furnaces, but I will not be adding an electric furnace as it doesn't fit with what I want for the game. It would remove the challenge from automating oven recipes, and it would make all mechanics related to the industrial oven irrelevant. Oven automation requires setups that are different from the other crafters (especially for recipes that take a fuel as an ingredient), and I think it makes oven automation interesting. If I add an electric furnace, it would essentially be another crafter. So for those reasons, I have no plans to add an electric furnace.

ah, ok

Thanks, looks like I'll need to return to step one 


Gotta say... I absolutely HATE all the bullshit I had to pull out of my ass to get it to work... but I did it! I managed to automate ONE multi-ingredient furnace recipe! I don't think I have the wherewithal to do any more, though. It's just the worst. I cannot overstate how much I did not like it, and that I only stuck with it to conclusively say that I wasn't just upset because I was unable to do it (and maybe the sunk-cost fallacy played a role, too). 

If you could just set a machine to a certain recipe, everything would be fine and you could just shove the ingredients into it like in any good factorio-esque game instead of having to meticulously ensure that every ingredient comes in the EXACT right proportions with the EXACT right timing. I was met with disappointment after disappointment as I tried strategy after strategy that SHOULD have worked, but didn't.

Not meant to disparage or discourage, just honest feedback about how it feels to try to automate stuff when you are coming in from the outside. Awesome game overall and I am very excited and hopeful to see these kinks (ha ha) ironed out. I would not have stuck with it this long if I wasn't enjoying it for the most part.


Hello! I am happy that you were able to automate it in the end, and I get that it can be a frustrating experience.

If you were expecting a game like factorio, this game can be counter intuitive because you have to make sure that the machines work and don't clog up. And it's a different kind of challenge than factorio, and it can be difficult, but that's what I wanted for it.

Automation isn't always as straight forward as factorio. You'll have to design machines so that they work, and the challenge comes from using the logistic structures and setting up the individual machines. It is similar to factorio in some ways, but automation is not the same experience, and that's the idea.

I get that it could be a lot to jump into, and given that the game doesn't have a tutorial, and that you need to figure everything out yourself, it could be very difficult.

I am happy that it was mostly enjoyable, tho.

(2 edits) (+1)

Fair enough. Creating for oneself is a good way of avoiding burnout. Unless commissioned, one should never need to make something that one wouldn't enjoy, oneself.

Still think setting machines to certain recipes would solve basically every problem I have with the automation, though...  and seeing as it takes so incredibly much nutrition for the goddess to grow, the vast majority of the weight gain content is locked behind a system that I find unpleasant to automate. I appreciate the inclusion of a cheat mode for those who just want to see the WG content, tho. It is a good game you've made, it just has some sticking points for me.

Thanks for the correspondence, as well, it's nice to have respectful communication like this. Especially when weight-gain fetish content is the subject, haha

Edit: also want to impress that I have absolutely no sense of entitlement about any of this FREE content I'm getting for FREE from someone who put TIME and EFFORT and, seemingly, LOVE into it, this is all just candid feedback.

(1 edit) (+1)

Don't worry, I do appreciate feedback a lot! The best parts of development were when I got to watch people play it and voice their opinions, and the game has become better for it. Reading the comments has also been very nice, and it has motivated me to fix things that I wouldn't have fixed otherwise. 

As for the goddess requiring too much nutrition, you can change the required nutrition by editing the savefile data (%localappdata%/gain_factory/game_data_.ini). You just find the variable "goddess_nutrition_goal" under the save that you're playing on, and set it to something smaller. For the hardmode goddess, you can also alter the loss rate for the goddess by changing the value for the variable "goddess_loss_rate". Most things are stored locally in the savefile, so in theory, you can also change things like cowgirl appearances, though the savefile isn't optimized for human interaction. The saves are in json format, but all the " are replaced with <.


if there was like a tutorial i feel like i would make the game easier because i honestly have no idea what to do

There is a kind of tutorial if you talk to the goddess and select help. It explains things like interacting with structures. There are also some tips in the description of the game, but I get that it's not much. If you have questions, I can answer them and help you along at least.


How to you craft in your inventory? That part isn't explained correctly. If it is, maybe checking for another font?

To craft in the inventory, right click with an ingredient to deposit it into the crafting box (left click to remove an ingredient). The crafting box will after a short time output the result, and you can pick it up with shift left click or shift right click. Structures work the same.

(1 edit)

thank you.  Also im done. this is not for me

(3 edits)

windows defender now detect the game as a virus. why? i know this is a false positive but i cannot open the game, the previous version don't have this problem

Hi, I am not sure why that is. I am not very familiar with antivirus stuff...

Does someone else also have this issue?


i test with the new release and the problem it's fixed, it's basically windows defender problems.

Ok, that's good!

The milking machine only milks the cow girl once and then stops, is this a bug?

I am not sure, it could be that the cowgirl doesn't have milk, or something else. It could also be a bug, but I'm not able to replicate it.

Just figured out what it is, if you try to milk a cow girl while she has no milk it will not milk her but it will also not allow any machines to work on her. This means the feeding machine wont work either

(2 edits)

I tested just now, and I wasn't able to replicate it. The feeder should be able to feed regardless of what the milker is doing. Are you able to post a gif or a screenshot of what's happening?

Edit: could it be that the cowgirl is maxed out on nutrition? If the cowgirl has something like 10k nutrition, she will stop consuming food, so it will stay in her inventory and the feeder won't be able to give her anything more.


Sure, the first cow girl is bugged and the second one is a new one. I replicate the bug on the second one

(1 edit)

Ah I see. The care robot requires power to function (in general all structures with a little lamp require power). You can give power to structures with a transmitter pylon or similar. 

Edit: there is a bug here tho, and it is that the milker can milk once without power, which I should get around to fixing.


how to level up cowgirls?

(1 edit)

You can talk to them, give them their favourite food, and beyond that, they get one friendship point for each of their body parts that you max out in size. The maximum friendship level should be 9.

Edit: there is a system to where the cowgirl puts the nutrition you give her, but in short, just feed her a lot and it should work. The easiest body part to max out are the boobs. Just feed her slowly while she is producing milk and they should grow.

What should I do If a cowgirl has fear to Interact with other people?

Don't worry about it. It was just meant as flavour text and the cowgirl works the same. 

Deleted 293 days ago

please full screen mode


I have been trying to automate banana toast.
But the proportions of the inputs are off..
so I wanted to try out the logic gates.

Does anyone know how they work?

Hi! The logic gate is closed by default when you place it. You can set a source position for it by control left clicking before placing (a small orange arrow will appear at the position). If the logic gate detects an item at its source position, it will open and stay open for as long as there is an item there. 

For more advanced uses, the logic gate can also respond to information on the inspector panel. This can be used to detect states of different structures, including other logic gates. Inspector panel source can be set in the same way as logic gate source.

The logic gate can be inverted by control left clicking after placing. In this mode, it is open by default, and closes when it detects a signal.

ok, but is there a way to monitor the items inside a crafter?
and whar are those "plates" with red dots on the screenshots?
I can't seem to be able to unlock them...

The plates with the red dots are hovering hands. They are used to move items from one position to another, and they can move entire stacks.

There is no way to monitor the items inside a structure, but there are ways to make sure that only the correct items go in.

i have no problem inserting the right items but the right amount so the system wont clog up...

i played around with belt speed to ensure right proportions but i hoped there would be a more reliable way...

ps.: thanks for the fast responses!

(2 edits)

Np. A way that is more reliable can be done using logic gates. The way that I have done it is by putting logic gates in the way of items going into a structure, and having those logic gates open when an product comes out of the structure. So the logic gate source is set to a point on the output conveyor belt.

Edit: the waste bin is there to make sure that no items get stuck on the output belt if the chest is full, as this would break the system.

(1 edit) (-1)

why cant I see the characters? look

Hello! I am not sure why that is, I haven't seen this issue before. Does a restart of the game help, or re-downloading it? Does it help to create a new world? I don't really know what has caused the characters not to render.

already tried this but I can only see them above the godness

That sounds like maybe a something to do with the depth of the objects, I think I read that the game engine has some maximum values for depth but I didn't experience issues with it. I have now released a new version where the depth system is a little different and maybe that helps.


Now it's working! Thanks

(1 edit) (+2)

First off I would like to say that I love the premise of this game. Factorio is one of my favourite games so seeing its mechanics in a game with this theme is a dream. Seeing the screenshots shows me there a really nice endgame.

However, there are some problems with the game which I hope get some sort of fix because I'm sure this game will be great once they're addressed.

The biggest addition that's needed is snapping conveyors. Consider this:

This was my third attempt at trying to align the conveyors to the funnel. Even now I cannot tell why the bottom conveyor works and the top doesn't. There are not even any indicators to show where they would align as far as I can see. There desperately needs to be snapping if a factory is going to reach even half the scale of the factories in your screenshots. Also it would be good if we could place conveyors on while there is an item in that space so that we don't have ot pause automation to add belts. Personally, I'm going to stay off the game until snap or some alternative is added.

The UI changing size as we zoom in and out is pretty bad as well. Also in my opinion the font is quite difficult to read. Those two in combination especially managed to give me a headache

Now for smaller changes. When clicking on an item to check its recipe, it would be nice to be able to see the recipe of one of its ingredients that we haven't crafted yet. Currently we have to go through one of the items we have crafted and hope it leads to the recipe of the ingredient we are looking for.

Being able to click the dialogue box to continue the conversation rather than clicking the arrow and question mark (I'm not sure of the purpose of setting the question mark as another button as well). Oh and being able to use the ESC button to close menus would be great too.

I feel like the character moves a bit too slow especially considering there can be large amounts of empty space. A speed increase, sprint option or even movement upgrades later on would be my suggestions.

Despite the flaws I can absolutely see the potential of this game and it would be a favourite in this community if these problems are addressed so I hope you eventually update it with some quality of life if you find the time. Regardless, I thank you for your hard work on making such a game


Thank you for the reply! I will do my best to come up with fixes for these problems. The next update will be posted tomorrow, and it should include solutions to some of the problems!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, an update is now released. Thank you for the suggestions, I have implemented a few of them  and fixed some of the problems you and others mentioned. See the devlog for more info.


maybe a way to auto connect (aka where the buildings of any kind automaticly snaps to other buildings and conveyers

(1 edit) (+2)

The concept is there but some of the automation is really rough to get your head around.

If you get the chance, some QoL features would do this game wonders:

  • Let funnels / logistics buildings snap to others (fiddling with near pixels is painful at best)
  • Let us toggle the transparency of large buildings so we can work behind them / connect things to their north edge
  • Give Miners a footprint larger than their ore source, so you can connect to them from more than two sides
  • A short tutorial that explains the basic progression / what unlocks what. How to use Funnels and belts would be excellent!
  • Optional Dash / let the engineer be moved by conveyors
  • Dialog boxes that persist, rather than having to right click the NPC each time and then navigate on to the next answer.
  • Let logistics buildings ignore collision with items (on conveyor belts) when being placed, let gates face up/down
  • Remember the style of building (/ length of conveyor) last placed if you set down / run out of placeable items

Only had two bugs with the game:

  • Placing a display board with a Sterling engine as a source would crash the game
  • The recipe for Grilled Cheese Sandwich may be missing a toggle for it's up / down arrows. I couldn't make it with two puffy bread, thicc butter and soft cheese, but I also see that sturdy paste can be made into it so that seems like something off.

Overall this has clearly been made with a lot of love. The modifier + mouse click scheme took a while to get used to but it works well enough, especially once you learn that space+click can remove buildings.

WG game devs are honestly something else... amazing.

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback! I have now released an updated version with some things fixed. Please check the devlog for more info.

Edit: thank you a lot for the nice words as well! It is very nice to see people enjoying what I made!


The UI doesn't fit the screen and zooming is very temperamental with it


The game is consistently crashing when I try to make the Ultimate Sandwich

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for the feedback, the sandwich error is now fixed (any other fatal errors, will be fixed if I discover them or they are brought to my attention). The savefiles are compatible with new versions, so no progress should be lost.

Edit: do make sure to destroy and place the structure anew to reset its recipes after you update, as recipes are stored locally in a structure.


The fact that chocolate and butter are both fuel and ingredient in furnaces is problematic for automation since there's no electric furnace... how can I keep the fuel input from filling up the ingredient slots? How can I avoid burning an ingredient as fuel without keeping the fuel topped off?


Hi, thank you for the feedback. As far as I have tested, everything should be able to be automated. The oven recipes that take fuels as ingredients are trickier, but there are techniques. 

A method that I have been using is using a second oven as a timer. You can get a signal with an inspector panel and logic gate (in inverted mode) when the fuel has run out in an oven, so you can use a second oven as a clock to know when to feed fuel to the first oven and itself. Then you can fill up the first oven with fuel and input ingredients as normal. 

(4 edits) (+1)

The UI should not scale with zoom... it gets so small when zoomed out!

The hovering hand doesn't seem to be able to get grown crops from potted plants, unless you need to do something unusual for those.
Edit: I guess only the gentle care robot can do that...

(1 edit) (+1)

So far as I can tell, there is an issue where:
Fatty oil needs tectonic press
Tectonic press needs treated wood
Treated wood needs fatty oil

Unless there is another way into the loop, I don't see how to get any of these.

Edit: ah! I didn't see how important that "or inventory" text was. I figured the inventory would only be able to do crafting recipes that match the automatic assembler.


game is super but recepts is so hard to find can you add something like more detailed recept book please

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